

Did you know that up to 90% of all FMEA and Control Plan spreadsheets have errors in them? These mistakes not only cost time and money but can damage the reputation of companies using them with their customers.

That’s why AIAG, in partnership with FCA, Ford, GM, Honda, Nissan, Toyota and the rest of the AIAG Board of Directors developed the Core Tools Support™ (CTS) software – a cloud-based solution for authoring and managing FMEA, Control Plan and PPAP documents.

How is CTS better than spreadsheets?

  • Common/similar parts can be created and shared from a common database
  • Linkages between forms with the capability to see all the Process Flow, PFMEA and Control Plans data in a single relational database, providing visibility not possible on standalone forms
  • Concurrent licensing: one license covers multiple users
  • Improved revision control: ability to identify who added/changed/deleted what

Best of all? The software virtually pays for itself. A single concurrent license costs less than $1/day, which, along with productivity gains, means that most companies break even in just a few months.

Additional CTS Advantages over spreadsheets include:

  • MSA/Gage R&R is intuitive and provides a concise, easily understood report – handling both variable and attribute gages
  • Part PPAP history is maintained electronically
    • All supporting documents created outside CTS – prints, engineering specs, packaging specs, etc. – can be uploaded into the project
  • Updated versions of AIAG forms are available upon release
  • Standard FMEA and control plan templates are preloaded and selected by dropdown menu
  • Basic program management features included
  • Version control assurance: All users globally update the same file – no more questioning if you have the latest/correct file
  • Built in reports for parts, projects and gage studies

By taking care of the tedious, repetitive tasks associated with spreadsheets, and making it easier and quicker to search and find information, the software allows you to spend less time on administrative work – and more time on the work you were hired to do.

Font: AIAG Org

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