Version 6 now available…get your free copy of the Guide for Conflict Minerals Reporting to the Automotive Industry today!
Developed by the AIAG Conflict Minerals Work Group (CMWG), this template assessmentwas created to unify the expected quality of supplier responses to the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) formerly known as the EICC-GeSI Template.
While this template assessment is not to be treated as an alternative to legal advice or used in lieu of due diligence requirements under the rule, OEMs and Tier-N suppliers can use this optional tool to set a consistent response to suppliers and augment their own internal procedures. (Note: Anyone adopting this document for their company should first read the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rule and other widely available materials and seek advice from legal counsel.)
Simply click here to download your complimentary copy now!
Font: AIAG